
Package jaligner.example

Example for using API of JAligner to perform pairwise sequence alignment.


Class Summary
NeedlemanWunschExample Example of using JAligner API to perform global pairwise sequence alignment with Needleman-Wunsch algorithm NeedlemanWunsch.
NeedlemanWunschGotohExample Example of using JAligner API to perform global pairwise sequence alignment with NeedlemanWunschGotoh.
SmithWatermanGotohExample Example of using JAligner API to align P53 human aganist P53 mouse using Smith-Waterman-Gotoh algorithm.

Package jaligner.example Description

Example for using API of JAligner to perform pairwise sequence alignment.

Ahmed Moustafa (ahmed@users.sf.net)


Ahmed Moustafa (ahmed@users.sf.net)SourceForge.net
The source code of JAligner is licensed under The GNU General Public License (GPL)