
Package jaligner

Core classes for the implementation of Smith-Waterman-Gotoh algorithm


Class Summary
Alignment Holds the output of a pairwise sequences alignment.
Cell A cell in a similarity matrix, to hold row, column and score.
Directions Traceback directions.
Markups Markups line characters.
NeedlemanWunsch An implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for biological global pairwise sequence alignment.
NeedlemanWunschGotoh An implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with Gotoh's improvement for biological global pairwise sequence alignment.
Sequence A basic (nucleic or protein) sequence.
SmithWatermanGotoh An implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm with Gotoh's improvement for biological local pairwise sequence alignment.
TracebackNode Traceback node

Package jaligner Description

Core classes for the implementation of Smith-Waterman-Gotoh algorithm

Ahmed Moustafa (ahmed@users.sf.net)


Ahmed Moustafa (ahmed@users.sf.net)SourceForge.net
The source code of JAligner is licensed under The GNU General Public License (GPL)